Saturday, October 11, 2008


The regulation which prohibits the use of prong collars (along with the other of the Regs in the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act due to sunset in December 2008) is currently in the process of being reviewed with a view to new Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Regulations being made by the end of 2008.

The draft regulations and the accompanying RIS will then be subject to a public consultation period.

The concern is that the Government should be viewing and taking into consideration the facts of the Pressure Point Collar (aka 'pinch' or 'prong' collar) NOW so that they are fully aware and abreast of the knowledge needed in favour of the PPCollar BEFORE they set their minds to drafting new regulations.

The 'parent' submission that has been compiled awaits invitation/permission by the Minister for Agriculture, The Hon. Joe Helper for it to be presented. As this 'parent' submission (which includes but is not limited to all the submissions contributed by numerous individuals, including Professional and non-professional trainers and behaviourists; dog-enthusiasts; Vets; and pet dog owners) is comprehensive in its description and explanation of the PPCollar - how and why it works humanely, it is hoped the Minister will invite its presentation now, rather than the period when 'public comment' will be allowed, which will be after the draft of the revised regulations are completed.

Natural Justice and Procedural Fairness should be observed by the Government decision makers when devising and implementing regulations. One of the 3 rules of Natural Justice is that the "decision maker ... ensure that a decision is based upon findings of fact that are in turn based upon sound reasoning and relevant evidence."

Help convince the Government, in particular the Minister for Agriculture (Vic) that NOW is the time for all considerations towards the PPCollar be taken into account, not after regulations are drafted and that to this end it would prove beneficial to invite presentation of the 'parent' submission that is to hand so that a non-biased decision based on "sound reasoning and relevant evidence" may be reached and bear influence in the drafting of the revised regulation.

Many people do not have the time for, or perhaps are loath to letter writing and for this purpose a letter for your use has been drafted. The link to this letter follows.

Letter to Hon. Joe Helper MP

Of course you may adapt the letter to suit your circumstances or to add additional comment should you require. Otherwise, the letter which only needs to be downloaded, amended by the inclusion of your name, address, date and signature where indicated and then finally printed out and posted to The Hon. Joe Helper MP whose address is already given in the letter.

The regulations sunset in December 2008. NOW is the time to act if you would care to help make a difference to the Government's decision on our request for the collar to be permitted for use pursuant to Section 7E of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Letter to MP - Australia Wide

The campaign to Government to re-address the current regulation which bans the use of the Pressure Point Collar (aka "pinch" or "prong" collar) continues.

In more recent times a letter has been issued by the Association of Pet Dog Trainers (Australia) to local Government Australia-wide and confirms their opinion that this training tool is not approved by them. Yet again, no evidence has been given to support their view, yet they would prefer to see the current Victorian ban on the use of these collars continue without redress and given their communications to Government bodies in all States of Australia, obviously would like to see the regulation banning the use of this valuable training tool adopted throughout the Country.

Unless you wish for YOUR State Government to regulate against this collar in its entirety, this communication to MP's Australia-wide needs to be countered. The problem is that many people are either time poor or loath letter writing so to help, this post provides a letter suitable for address to all MP's throughout Australia. The only thing it needs to be generated is YOU.

If you believe in and/or know and understand the benefits use of the PPCollar can have in regards to dog training and dog welfare, please take the time to click on the link provided, read the letter, date it, insert your details and also the details of your local MP. Then please print it out, sign and mail it off.

It's that easy! Please let the Government know and hear our voices. This much, they owe to you.

Link to Word document: Letter to MP's (Australia wide)

If you need help finding out who your local Member is, below is a link you can use to search for Members of Parliament by name, electorate, or by your home address.

Victorian MP (search)

All States (MP Name and Address list)

If your search engine results in details for more than one MP, send the letter to each one listed. It is urgent that your voices be heard.

In Victoria, the current regulation which bans the use of the "PPCollar" sunsets in December 2008. Given that Parliament rests around the Christmas period, in reality we have only 12 weeks (if we're lucky) to persuade them to listen to us.

Of course, don't forget that the Petition (link contained in previous post) is still growing and every signature to it is considered valuable. Unfortunately we are not permitted the luxury of electronic petitions in Victoria, so this does need you to similarly click the link, print it out, sign it and send it to the address given at the foot of the Petition. Please don't think the next person will do it and that no one will miss your signature. YOUR contribution to this is much appreciated and goes to support the submission which continues to grow in content, substance and strength.

"If you build it they will come"

(from movie : Field of Dreams")